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Class module


Add class to the T_MODULES property in Create a new group via editor; this takes advantage of the class module which sets important class-related properties and file. If you /must/ use the create-group command, change homeUrl to dashboard and set uploadUnlockedFormReponses = true.


Feedback for each form item (subtask) can be entered using the Settings editor.

Feedback is displayed if available on the Student grouping report. The following fields are available: - ${feedback.example} - ${feedback.skill} - ${feedback.assignment}

The following code can be used to format feedback on the Student Grouping report:

<div class='feedback-assignment'>${feedback.assignment}</div>
<div class='feedback-example'>${feedback.example}.</div>

Note that the use of these formatting commands are optional.

Here is a sample feedback message that uses this formatting:

These students are doing really well. Consider framing your feedback to these student as follows: <div class='feedback-example'>${feedback.example}.</div>
Reflect on these students results: why do you think did these students were particularly successful in ${feedback.skill}.
Was there a specific ${feedback.skill} strategy or activity you used? Did they already know this content?
Is there another strategy or activity they could do to extend their ${feedback.skill} skills?
Consider giving these students supplementary story: <div class='feedback-assignment'>${feedback.assignment}</div> to read
and make 3-5 inferential questions for them to answer. You may also consider engaging these students as peer mentors to
others as these other students do additional practice.


There are 3 options for scoring in Class: - Using a TANGY-TIMED grid - Using a hidden formId+_score field to store the calculated score value when the form is submitted using the on-change javascript - Using a score calculated at report run-time.

The dashboard.service populaceTransformedResult function loops through the inputs; for each item type, it calculates the value, score, and max.

It also keeps a running tally of the sum of all max values (totalMax).

Here are the default rules for each input type: * TANGY-INPUT: * value: value field * score: value field * max: max field * TANGY-RADIO-BUTTONS: * value: loops through the options and uses the value from the non-empty option * score: value * max: Use value of the highest option. * TANGY-CHECKBOXES: * value: loops through the options and uses the value from the non-empty option * score: value * max: Use value of the highest option.

For a TANGY-TIMED input, once the value and score have been calculated for each item and populated into an answeredQuestions array, we loop through this array and calculate aggregates for the tangy-form-item.

  • value:
  • score: totalCorrect

For tangy form items that use a _score field: Calculate the totalAnswers by subtracting 1 from the item.inputs.length (to account for the _score field) Use score for totalCorrect and totalAnswers for maxValueAnswer, unless the max value was assigned earlier.

Finally, there is support for calculating the score at report-time by looping through answeredQuestions and summing the score and max values.