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Password Policy

The default password policy is in Although you can change it, it is recommended that you have a strong password policy.

Relevant variables: - T_PASSWORD_POLICY - The policy, coded in the form of a regular expression. - T_PASSWORD_RECIPE - Description of the policy, to enable user to create a password that will pass the policy.

Ideally a password policy should include the following specifications: - 8 characters or more - at least one upper case letters - at least one lower case letter - at least one special character - at least one numeral

Each group can have a unique password policy. When a group is created, the default policy and recipe from are copied over to the passwordPolicy and passwordRecipe variables in app-config.json.

For some groups, it may be more useful to have a simpler password policy on client than on editor. Here is an example:

  • "passwordPolicy": "(?=.\d)(?=.[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{8,}",
  • "passwordRecipe": "Must contain at least one number and one uppercase and lowercase letter, and at least 8 or more characters",

Editor on the server uses the T_PASSWORD_POLICY and T_PASSWORD_RECIPE variables.


If the server's shell has problems interpreting any of the special characters when loading T_PASSWORD_POLICY from, you may need to add an escape \ before the special character.

The site has been very helpful in testing out password policies.